Monday, November 23, 2009


So many have you asked me how Emily was and my response was HARD! Well we figured it out! No more breast milk...thats is right our little Emily is lactose intolerant and can not do dairy!!! She has had a hard two month, or I should say we all have. Now that we worked it all out she is a totally different child! Thank Goodness. We now have a soy formula that she seems to be doing great on and things are getting back to the way I remember babies!! Also, I hope you can see in these pictures her beautiful RED hair. Both Tyler and I hope that it stays that way because he loves red hair!!! We love our Emily hard or easy she is still our little sweetheart! She weighed in at 10 lbs 11 oz. at her 2 month appt. So we are growing and getting bigger everyday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the soy formula is working. Sorry you had it so rough for the first few months. She is absolutely adorable! I hope the read hair stays too! Have a great Thanksgiving! I'm sure I'll be up that way some time to visit Amber. I'll have to swing by and say hello to you too!
